Holistic Performance

1. Mind/Body Connection
At the Core of Holistic Performance is restorative movement and progressive strength training strategies which unify the human energy systems into one singular practice.
Achieving Mind/Body Mastery
Through use of a functional movement assessment, we bring awareness to faulty movement patterns related to mental, emotional or physical trauma. This process uncovers hidden causes of injury or chronic pain and is the first step in creating your individualized Restorative Fitness™ program.
Unification of breath and a deliberate, focused intention on how and why we are moving creates a meditative process called Meditraining. Meditraining is the product of objectively incorporating and observing the unification of MindBody into the practice of movement as a meditation, not exercise.
Placing all our mental focus on the working muscle groups and maximizing the exercise's intended benefit. This MindBody connection increases neural output, efficiency of movement, mental aquity/clarity, and removal of emotional trauma trapped in the body.
Breathwork or "Pneuma"
"Pneuma" is the ancient Greek word meaning "the breath of life". The breath is central to the foundations of every major religion & spiritual practice on Earth. Pneuma is the glue connecting the mind, body and soul. It is essential to the healing process, unification of the four human energy systems and for reaching the summit of human performance.

2. 10-Point Fitness Training
A comprehensive approach to fitness, and wellbeing.
Eliminate plateaus and areas of weakness by taxing all aspects of the physical body.

4. Cutting Edge Technology
With the use of modern day technologies we can objectify our training strategies to provide accurate feedback, personalize your training experience and guarantee results.
We bring in the best of the industry with:
Heart Rate monitored workouts based on your unique fitness level
Hormone and body composition analysis
Online training through our custom mobile app and video library
Live in-house video analysis with coach feedback to maximize technique and improve results
In the 15+ years I've been involved in health and fitness, whether it be as a trainer, competitor or "Corporate Warrior", Stewart offers the most unique and intelligent workout design I've encountered. His one-of-a-kind background gives him a performance-minded approach to everything the human body can achieve. His attention to perfection on how to operate the body in the most effective and efficient way is something I have not experienced elsewhere. You will be challenged physically, mentally and emotionally working with Stewart. You are not just working out with Stewart, you are training!